
butterfly shawl
(I should wear this Victorian shawl more often…)

Hello and welcome! I’ve been wanting to do this for ages (years, really) and now it’s finally coming together!

I have a WordPress journey to share… but I’ve ‘solved the clue’ and we’re rolling!

There’s more on my about page… but this is a place for ‘things that matter to me’… Like what? Good stuff — food, thoughts, products, places — totally ‘stuff I like.’ Stay tuned…

Categorized as Context

By Kris

Online since the late 90s, I'm now expanding my reach to 'share stuff.' I'm in southern Missouri, near half of my amazing grandkids (the older bunch) with ties to DFW where my younger grandkids live. Favorite things? Lots of them on these pages but here's the short list: family history, knitting, collecting recipes, word puzzles and of course family!

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