This matters to me…

This is ‘whispers: life’ and it was created by Fia at (If you haven’t met Fia and Kye Skye, hop over and get acquainted… Kye is also widely known as Brian Andreas and I’ve been a fan since the early 2000s.)

Honestly, this simple-but-huge thought has been my North Star since I first came across it! To me, it’s about mindfulness and being open to whatever happens next as well as carrying a gentle patience to see what unfolds…

You can follow this link to buy one for yourself (and get absolutely lost in other ‘stuff’ while you’re there), but it’s purely informational. #nowampum

Categorized as Context

By Kris

Online since the late 90s, I'm now expanding my reach to 'share stuff.' I'm in southern Missouri, near half of my amazing grandkids (the older bunch) with ties to DFW where my younger grandkids live. Favorite things? Lots of them on these pages but here's the short list: family history, knitting, collecting recipes, word puzzles and of course family!

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