Who am I?

Kris with a K

Hello! I’m ‘Kris with a K’! And *this*… is a gathering place for lots of stuff. Eclectic things. Bits of miscellany. In short, things that matter to me… maybe things that’ll catch your fancy as well? Happy to share.

Disclaimer: On many posts, you’ll find links. Sometimes by clicking, you’ll add a bit of ‘wampum’ to my revenue stream. That’s simply my ‘tip’ for pointing you towards something of interest. Basically, you’re not charged anything extra at all. (You know how this works, right?)

So who am I anyway?

Maybe we’ve met… or maybe not yet. I grew up in Colorado… lived for decades in Texas… five years in the West Country of England…

sign at a Tube station

… and now I’m living in south central Missouri. (Sure wish I could chat with my 9g-grandmother Martha about upping sticks and moving far away! She did it in the 1660s…)


That’s where… so what about that who?

butterfly shawl

My life so far has been — and continues to be — very interesting. Most recently, I transplanted myself to the heartland when three of my grandkids did. With three little ones in DFW, I get there as often as I can. Life is good!


I’m grateful for my three grown ‘kids’… and their three ‘other halves’… and six wonderful grandkids and counting! This is most of us… from a different time and place. Special to me!

family in the woods

Here’s one thing that matters a lot to me…

flying edna quote

To elaborate, this is ‘whispers: life’ and it was created by Fia at flyingedna.com. Honestly, it’s been my North Star since I found it! To me, it’s about mindfulness and being open to whatever happens next as well as carrying a gentle patience to see what unfolds… And while you can follow the link (just click on the image) to buy one for yourself (and get absolutely lost in other ‘stuff’ while you’re there), it’s purely informational. #nowampum

So what say we interact?

Wondering about something? Have something interesting you’d like to share? Just want to chat? Here’s where you can do any of that.

Thanks for stopping by!